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Have you ever thought about the importance of getting a good sleep while on vacation? Rest and relaxation are commonly stated reasons for the need to get away. It’s no surprise given the hectic pace of life today. Getting good sleep at home can affect your job performance, your mood and even your health. It can also affect how much you benefit from and enjoy your vacation.

I hope the following four simple but important tips below will help you get the rest and relaxation you so deserve!

  1. Mattresses Mattercontemporary Bedding at Westin hotels

We each have our own preferences when it comes to different types of beds and mattresses. Getting good sleep depends on it.  So does how often, and in which positions we sleep.

If you are a side sleeper, you might sleep better with a soft pillow type mattress. If you are a back or stomach sleeper, you could get better results with a firm mattress with lots of support. You might not be aware that your travel consultant can help with this!

A savvy travel professional knows how to find out when, and how often beds and mattresses are replaced in hotels, and which kinds are offered.  Today, many luxury hotels and cruise lines have custom bedding made exclusively to their specifications.

Heavenly Beds at Westin hotelsFor example, in 1999 Westin introduced their “Heavenly Bed Program” which has been so successful that guests can now purchase these beds for their homes. It also helps to look for hotels and cruises that offer a selection of pillows. For many people, pillows can have the biggest impact the quality of good sleep while on vacation and at home.

  1. Eating, Drinking and DreamingReasons-You-Overeat

It is always very tempting when on vacation to over-indulge in too much food and alcoholic beverages, especially if you are enjoying an all-inclusive cruise or tour.  Unfortunately, this can have a severely negative impact on sleep quality and compromise your ability to enjoy the next day’s activities.  It is recommended that you keep caffeinated drinks to a minimum, and be moderate with alcohol consumption.  Most important of all is to drink plenty of water to keep yourself well-hydrated.

  1.  Spa Therapy

huvafen-fushi-spaSpas are not just about facials and pedicures these days. They can actually help you achieve the rest and relaxation aspect of your vacation.  Many luxury hotels, resorts and cruise lines offer amazing spa packages and treatments that can enhance your sleep.

Consider investing in specific massage treatments that are designed to relax your muscles. This will definitely help getting good sleep at night. The famed wellness resort Canyon Ranch offers a “Peaceful Night’s Sleep” package, aimed at educating clients on the power of sleep and how it contributes to overall health and wellness.

  1.  Work Out Your Winks

My last sleep tip for quality rest while on vacation is to ensure that you get some exercise.  You don’t have to be a fitness addict to experience the benefits of a moderate physical activity.

Most hotels now include a complementary gym or swimming pool, yoga and Pilate classes with access with cardio equipment. Set aside 30 minutes to one hour each day for something physical.  Another popular option is to schedule a 30 to 45 minute daily fast walk to raise your heart rate. This aids in overall health and will help you get a good sleep at night.


Luxury Tent on SafariYes, rest and relaxation are a big part of most vacations.  You’ll enjoy the getaway even more if you get a good sleep. So, be sure to always take sleep into consideration when choosing hotels, resorts, cruises or even that once in a lifetime safari. After all, you wouldn’t want to be too tired to enjoy the experience!

Contact Dean

Dean Barreca

Luxury Travel Specialist based in Toronto, Ontario. Dean Barreca’s career and purpose are guided by one simple truth: Life can be a magical experience when lived to the fullest. With that in mind, Dean tends to take a different approach to the business of luxury travel.

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